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Plans and Challenges

1. What steps can I implement at BRS to improve teaching composition in the ESL classroom?

1. Create a home-like environment in which students will feel safe to take risks.  

2. Establish a digital writing workshop. I will ensure that all students are familiar with the procedures of the writing class or workshop at the beginning of the year. Multiple education Apps will be used to facilitate students to write.


3. Students and we should on the same page about why we need to write and what we are able to write.We allow students to explore prompts and write their own thoughts and writing questions, share with class members, and receive feedback from peers and teacher. Choices are given to the students in topics, genre, and audiences.

4. Value both writing process and product.

5. Teach grammar in context.

6. Establish a positive writing community among students. Help them to be daily writers.

7. A larger platform will be provided for students to publish their works and have their voices heard. They need authentic readers.

2. What are the possible challenges we will face at BRS?
  • hardware/ software / internet restrictions

  • parents' understanding

  • traditional curriculum setting

  • working load increasing

  • students need time to adapt

  • teachers capacity

3. What can I do to overcome the obstacles?
  • Advocate for a positive school culture

  • Realize collaboration among colleagues

  • Obtain help from Organizations /Ask for a grant

  • Write advocacy letter for education good

  • Establish a partnership with outside recourses

  • Reach out to parents

  • Ask for DP

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