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Education Tendency and Expectations

1. How should ESL teachers help their students develop as writers?

ECI 620 PBI Global Water

ECI 524 Being Cosmopolitan

Teachers devote to develop students into:


1. People with Five Minds (Disciplined mind, Synthesizing mind, Creating mind, Respectful mind, and Ethical mind)


2. Digital citizens


3. Global citizens / cosmopolitans


4. Life-long Learners

2. What is the role digital tools play in the ESL writing class?

     According to the interview done with students in Beijing Royal School, schools, teachers, and students represented by the situation of Beijing Royal School have already embraced the coming of a digital era. Basic digital tools and media have been used in high frequency by both teachers and students. This new teaching method has been widely welcomed and advocated by students. However, because of ineffective digital tools management, limited soft/hardware accessibility and not high digital literacy of both teachers and students, digital learning and teaching still stay at the beginning stage. The types of digital tools are limited and the function they act in teaching and learning is restricted to a certain category. What’s more, there is an obvious disconnect between high-tech used in and out of school. As for the students, they haven’t fully realized what digital tools can bring to their learning and the change of pedagogy. They have already been digital learners, but not yet use the tools to the fullest. 

ECI 546 digital learner interview
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